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Articles of Incorporation (Share structure)
The Articles of Incorporation is a legal document that establishes a corporation as a separate legal entity from its owners. It looks like a constitution of Corporation. It typically includes information such as the corporation's name, registered office address, number of shares authorized, restrictions on share transfers, and other key details about the business.
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Please provide details on the rights, privileges, restrictions, and conditions, if any, that apply to each share class, as well as the authority granted to the directors in relation to any series of shares that may be issued. If your corporation has only one share class, please indicate "NA"."
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Please write if any restriction on share transfer. If not, , please indicate "NA"
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Restrictions, if any, on business the corporation may carry on or on powers the corporation may exercise. If none, enter "None"
Other provisions, if have any. write here or if no other provisions enter “NA”